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Monday, February 2, 2015

it have been such a log time since the last time i update my story of life.
as we all know.. life isn't easy as a piece of cake.
we need to sacrifice a lot of things just to get a moment of happiness
my life is tough. i had been through the up and down several times
ad only tears can describe the feeling.
but i am grateful that i have my parents and my loved one by my side.
they are the one who gave me hope and help me think positively.
friends are nothing compared to them.
because, friends come and go. just a few of them stay through thick and thin of my life.
my friends, thanks for being with me and try to understand my life. even some of them know how to fit in my shoes. thanks a lot.

i realized it's already late to say hi to new year.
but for me its not that late.
i hope that year 2015 will be full of laughter and happiness.
2014 is already past it let the pain be the memory.

dear friends, thanks for everything and lets create more of it..
dear love, lets make 2015 a new chapter to us.

thanks for everything for those who knows me.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

semua nya rumit buat dri ku...

seumur hidup aku, aku xpernah sayang seorang lelaki sperti mna aq syg kan dia...
sejak dia muncul dalam idup aku, semuanya aku rasa sempurna...
aku bukan nk buat ayat jiwang atau main dengan kata kata...
tapi ini lah realitinya tentang ap yang diri aku rasa bila aku bersama dengan dia...
setiap hari bila bangun dari tidur.. dia lah insan pertama yang aku pikir selain ibu n ayah aku..
betul lah kata orang.. bila hati dah syang semuanya jadi indah..

hubungan kami sma jgak mcm hubungan orang lain...
tak lari dari masalah.. mcam2 masalah dah pernah kmi rsa...
dan stiap kli brlakunya masalah, air mata aku pasti mengalir tanpa dipinta..
tp setiap msalah pasti ada jlan penyelesaian... jgan kita lari dr masalah sdah..

aku x dapat nafi kan perasaan aku dekat dia...
perasaan syg aku x terluah dgan kata2..
cuma aku berharap dy faham dgn perasaan aku...

kadang kadang aku rasa serba slah dgan dia...
disebabkan aku terlalu syg pd dy, aku x izinkan dy utk rpat dgn perempuan lain...
tp dia pulak ingin berkawan dgn orang lain...
sehinggakan dia pernah beberapa kali menyatakan ketidak puasan hati dengan sikap aku...
aku cuma x nak kehilangan dia.. apatah lagi ingin berkongsi dia dgn org lain...

ada satu permintaan dia yg xmampu aku tunaikan..
berat sgt permintaanya buat aku..
aku sgt menyayanginya... aku xnak perkara lama berulang..
tapi tak adil bg dia... sbb x semua laki sama...

pernah juga aku cuba nak luahkan apa yg terpendam dalam aty aku utk beberapa kali..
tapi xberjaya... sbb aq x tw cm na nk ckap dgn dia supaya dy pham...
aku betul2 tersepit skrg... fikiran aku bercelaru...
apa lah daya aku... ini semua hal perasaan... aku x mampu nak tanggung sndri...

Friday, September 12, 2014

final fever is on.

as usual.. every students will face final exams..
this is importance for us as a students to know where are our stage of understanding at the moment..
it is such a waste of time if we failed in our final semester and can't proceed to the next stage..
for me... i have to try my best and pray to Allah SWT to ease everything.

even though there are some disturbance,
i believe i can do my best and i will get based on what i do..

pray for me guys

Sunday, September 7, 2014

the things that i kept for my self long enough..

i thought i can keep it longer..but, i can't.
all this while i just keep quiet and always smile even it is hurt inside..
now i realize that no one know how to be concern about others feeling..
all they know are only to pleased themselves..

first thing is about the group work..
it is clear that it is a group work..
all of us suppose to work together as a group..
not letting me do all the work all by myself..
do you think i'm paid to do all this group work alone..
i already let my hands of this project..
that's it.. i'm tired of all this.

the second thing are about my housemate..
please, don't act like you are the owner of this house..
only know how to instruct people to do what you want..
stop being bossy... i hate it..
don't think that with an apologize it will erased all the mistake that you make..
one more thing, when you talk with the others,
please make sure the person next to you is not like a WOOD LOG beside you..
i have feel it few times, when all of you are having conversation i was like a wind and no one bother that i'm there..

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

the world is round...

As the title say.. the world is round...
so we should be aware of everything coming in future..
at this moment, maybe we are at the top,
but tomorrow maybe we are at the bottom

as a reminder to myself and others,
we should never laugh or be happy if the one surround us are in trouble,
instead, we should lend a helping hand.

i myself have face such a horrible experienced when i have lost my hopes in everything.
but lucky me i have something that have uplift my spirit to continue my life.
the people around me especially my parents gave such a great support.
they keep advising me to stand up and move forward.

therefore.. we should never be selfish with what we do have at this moment.
we must always think about things that are coming..
we should always be prepared physical and mental..  

Thursday, August 7, 2014

i will always be my self..

its just hard to be my self when the others are questioning about me...
its just hurt me a lot...
don't they have feeling??
why are they so cruel??
can't they understand others??
even if you are not a good person, just do things that are right.
i didn't say that i'm a perfect person..
but can't u just accept the comment from others..
it doesn't effect u..

but that is the human..
they can accept any comment about themselves from other..
to them there are perfect and can accept any complain..
by doing this, without u notice you've hurt others feeling a lot.

i've experienced it..
and it hurts me..
so, appreciate people around u before they leave u..
i already leaved them..
i just can't resist it anymore..

Sunday, July 20, 2014

kita hidup bermasyarakat.. bukan hidup seorang diri..

selama sebulan setengah aq menetap dekat kuantan nie... 
dah macam2 aq hadapi..
macam2 perangai manusia aq pelajari..
kita sebagai manusiajgn terlalu ego dan mementingkan diri kita sendri..
kita perlu hormati hak dan privacy orang len.
kita semestinya tahu mnjaga perasaan orang len kalau nak orang lain jaga hati dan perasaan kita..

kalau kita fikir nak otp sekali pon tgok keadaan skeliling..
janagan samapai menggangu konsentrasi orang len nak study..
jikalau tengah malam bertimbang rsa lah dengan orang len yg nak tidur..
kita jugak perlu pk sblum kita cakap sesuatu perkataan...
jangan sampai menyinggung sensitivi orang lain..

jangan terlalu gemar mencari kesalahan dan kekurangan orang lain..
sesungguhnya kita juga manusia yang tak pernah lari dari melakukan kesilapan..
jangan sampai satu saat nanti orang sekeliling melakukan perkara yang sama terhadap diri anda..
saat itu baru lah kau tahu bagaimana rasanya..